Religion is her chosen method of abuse. And the judgmentalism and hypocrisy of the cult makes it particularly useful to abusers.
Despite the fact that you were given the wonderful promise 2 1/2 years ago that you would be left alone, she had to come barging into your life with a hateful rant to trample the peace and prosperity that was blossoming in the absence of her and the crazy JW religion.
Yes that was evil, but I just do not really care anymore.
Then call me "evil", too. If she promised not to call, but then makes a bat$hit crazy call like that, she deserves whatever she gets.
As a fader, my family and circumstances are MASSIVELY different from yours. I understand and respect the efforts you made to try to fade, but your choice to DA is even more understandable and respectable. Cut that gangrene out of your life. While my mom can be somewhat controlling, I can't begin to imagine what life would have been like with such a toxic and abusive maternal unit. I say, "Three cheers to you for getting on with a successful life and family of your own!"
And as far as that call, the only reason it came is because you are doing everything RIGHT, and that drives your maternal unit and the JWs bat$hit crazy!